Pay-per-Click advertising comes in different flavors. All of them are used in a way to produce immediate results. When time is scarce, pay-per-click is your best option.
Context Ads (Google Ads)
Context ads show up when people search for relevant keywords on search engines. This is the way to turn up the heat on the most relevant keywords and show your visitors exactly what they are looking for.
Display Ads (Facebook, Youtube)
Display ads on large platforms usually come with a variety of tools that allow laser-targeting of the audience. You may find the exact audience you need by matching it against relevant criteria, which range from the most basic social things, like age and gender, to the most intricate things like whether any of their friends has an upcoming birthday. Retargeting tools allow you to reach a prolonged engagement with your visitors to get a better grasp of your audience.
Native Ads
Native ads excel at telling stories. They are placed next to relevant articles and other content in order to pique visitors’ interest and trigger the desired action. Native ads usually look like relevant content themselves. And content, as it is often said, is king.
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